Toronto, ON – The Ontario Native Women’s Charitable Foundation (ONWCF) is honoured to be among the 12 organizations sharing a generous $15 million donation from the Slaight Family Foundation. This contribution will support to initiatives focussed on addressing the challenges faced by women and girls across Canada. The funds ONWCF is receiving will be invested towards the Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)’s Healing, Empowerment, Reclamation, Safety (HERS) Program.
Ending violence against Indigenous women is a cornerstone of the work that ONWA does. Without safety women can not move in their lives. The HERS Program will help Indigenous women who have been domestically abused, silenced, shamed, or threatened, to heal and reclaim their place as contributing members of their communities. Indigenous women will receive support, education and be empowered to heal and reclaim their leadership and their voices.
“The pandemic has added to the many challenges faced by women and girls across Canada, and particularly in Indigenous, racialized and refugee communities. said Gary Slaight, President & CEO, The Slaight Family Foundation. “This initiative is about helping people escape difficult circumstances, providing support for mental and physical health, and overcoming barriers so that women and girls across Canada can live their lives unburdened by unfair, unhealthy or unsafe circumstances.”
“The forward thinking of Gary Slaight and the Slaight Family Foundation is laying the framework for real reconciliation. Listening to the needs of Indigenous women and honouring their voices is the real change needed to make Canada the respectful and just society everyone should be working toward. The support from the Slaight Family Foundation will empower the inherent leadership of Indigenous women to make the change in their lives that will address generational systemic failings, building a brighter future for their communities and families.” stated Cora McGuire-Cyrette, Executive Director, ONWA.
For more than 50 years, ONWA continues to walk with Indigenous women on their journey to change the narrative and expand their stories, celebrating the resiliency and strength in their lives. ONWCF is honoured to be among those included in the donation from the Slaight Family Foundation, investing in initiatives focussed on addressing the challenges faced by women and girls across Canada.
Chi Miigwetch.
About the Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)
At the Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) we celebrate and honour the safety and healing of Indigenous women and girls as they take up their leadership roles in the family, community and internationally for generations to come.
To learn more about ONWA: www.onwa.ca
About the Slaight Family Foundation
The Slaight Family Foundation was established in 2008 by John Allan Slaight. Allan Slaight is known as Canada’s broadcast pioneer, a leader in the music industry and a prominent Canadian philanthropist. Through his generosity, the Foundation proactively supports charitable initiatives in the areas of healthcare, at-risk youth international development, social services and culture.
For more information:
Andre Morriseau, Communications Manager
Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)
Email: amorriseau@onwa.ca