General Rules and Regulations - 10 Days of Teachings
These are the official promotional rules and regulations for the Ontario Native Women’s Association’s (ONWA) “10 Days of Teachings”. Registration in the 10 Days of Teachings constitutes acceptance of these rules and regulations (the “10 Days of Teachings rules and regulations”), and entrants are bound by these rules and regulations.
Draw Name: 10 Days of Teachings
Campaign Period:
Pre-promotional Period: Saturday June 6, 2020 – Wednesday June 10, 2020
Draws: Thursday June 11, 2020-Sunday June 20, 2020
Draw(s)/Draw Date(s): Daily Random Draws
Draws take place each day beginning Thursday June 11, 2020 up to and including Saturday June 20, 2020 2020.
Two (2) daily and random draw prize(s) will be awarded, for a total of twenty (20) individual prizes:
One (1) prize per day will be awarded to a community member/participant
One (1) prize a day will be awarded to membership
Each draw prize consists of one (1) of two (2) awards: CDN $100 gift card or a themed self care gift basket (retail value CDN $100.00).
No cash option is available in this draw.
Draws will begin with CDN $100 CDN gift draw.
Daily draw winners will be awarded the following daily prizing:
Thursday June 11, 2020: CDN $100 prepaid visa gift card
Friday June 12, 2020: Themed gift basket (retail value CDN $100.00)
Saturday June 13, 2020: CDN $100 prepaid visa gift card
Sunday June 14, 2020: Themed gift basket (retail value CDN $100.00)
Monday June 15, 2020: CDN $100 prepaid visa gift card
Tuesday June 16, 2020: Themed gift basket (retail value CDN $100.00)
Wednesday June 17, 2020: CDN $100 prepaid visa gift card