Recognition Awards
Each year, the Ontario Native Women's Association (ONWA) recognizes women whose work and contributions to the Indigenous community have made an impact upon the quality of life of Indigenous women and their families. Award recipients are nominated by their peers and are based on the listed criteria. Awards will be presented at ONWA's Annual General Assembly.

Indigenous Women's Movement Awards
($1,000 Award)
The Indigenous Women's Movement Award honours and celebrate the contributions and impacts this woman made to the Indigenous community and Canada as a whole. This award recognizes an Indigenous woman who best displays the qualities and depth of commitment towards the Indigenous Women's Movement.
NOTE: This award is open to all Indigenous women (18 years or more) in Ontario, who meet the criteria of this award.

Indigenous Woman of the Year Award
($1,000 Award)
This award is presented annually to an Indigenous woman who has served her people compassionately in all areas of community service, and demonstrated skill and dedication to the Provincial movement of the Ontario Native Women's Association.
NOTE: This award is open to all Indigenous women (18 years or more) in Ontario, who meet the criteria of this award.

Alice Souliere Bursary Award
($1,000 Award)
In 1993, ONWA established the Alice Souliere Bursary Award to commemorate Alice's contribution to the Association. This bursary was established to encourage individuals to pursue First Language Studies. The recipient should have demonstrated either the personal pursuit of language development or have assisted in community projects that promote language development.
NOTE: This award is open to all Indigenous women (18 years or more) in Ontario, who meet the criteria of this award.

Dorothy Wynne Achievement Award
($1,000 Award)
The Dorothy Wynne Award and bursary was established to honour and celebrate the life and contributions of Dorothy Wynne who was instrumental in building the foundation that would become ONWA. As an admired trailblazer for Indigenous women, Dorothy forged paths forward at the grass roots level that changed and empowered the lives of many Indigenous women and families. This award is presented to a local member of the Association nominated by her peers for her endeavors and contributions to her community, having an impact upon the quality of life of Indigenous Women and their families.
NOTE: This award is open only to ONWA membership.