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Ending Violence Against Women is Everyone’s Responsibility

December 6th is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, also known as White Ribbon Day. Today, we remember and pay tribute to the women who have lost their lives to violence. Three decades after the 1989 Polytechnique Massacre in Montreal, women continue to live in the context of violence every day. For Indigenous women and girls, navigating daily life continues to be filled with fear and violence that no one should endure.

The Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) recognizes the importance of bridging this topic with men and boys in order to change systemic behaviors. To address this challenge, ONWA is developing a male champion’s campaign. Society needs to see male role models who walk with us rather than ahead of us. The men in our lives need to share in the responsibility of ending violence against women by role modeling positive, respectful, kind behavior. The campaign will provide an important opening platform to share and celebrate these inspirational role models.

The Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) stands in solidarity with all women on the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. Ending violence against Women is something we must all take responsibility for; safety for this generation and those that follow must become a reality.

For more information please contact:

Andre Morriseau, Communications Manager

Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)

Tel: 647-970-7661

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