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COMING SOON! Mindimooyenh Vaccination Clinic in Thunder Bay

Thunder Bay, ON – The Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) in partnership with Dilico Anishnabek Family Care and the Thunder Bay District Health Unit, is initiating an urban Indigenous COVID-19 vaccine clinic in Thunder Bay. The Mindimooyenh Vaccination Clinic will be a weekly COVID-19 vaccination clinic open to the Thunder Bay urban Indigenous population and their families (over 16 years old).

“Mindimooyenh” literally means “one who holds things together” in Ojibwe. It is a term that embodies Indigenous women’s responsibilities, recognizing the pivotal role and hard-earned wisdom (regarding life’s passages, such as contending with sickness and disease) that they exercised within their families and communities.

To do our best for urban Indigenous families, ONWA is currently preparing for the soft launch of the Mindimooyenh Vaccination Clinic in Thunder Bay. The soft launch will include set-up, training, and priority vaccinations for essential employees and the community’s most vulnerable population. The vaccination clinic will be ongoing, based on the availability of supplies and resources.

ONWA will be announcing the telephone number for the Mindimooyenh Vaccine Registration Line on Tuesday, March 9, 2021.

Further information to follow. Updates will be provided on ONWA’s website and social media.

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