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First Steps to Preventing Human Trafficking is Learning


Thunder Bay, ON – Friday July 30th, 2021, is United Nations World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. The first steps to preventing human trafficking is to learn more about it. The Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) will be releasing a new ‘Fostering Community Safety: Digital Bundle Series’.

Indigenous women have the right to live in safety, free from the threat, fear or experience of exploitation and violence. To prevent this ongoing issue for future generations, people need to be informed and aware of the risks and preventative measures they can take. ONWA’s ‘Fostering Community Safety: Digital Bundle Series’ aims to create a safe digital space with the intention of increasing awareness of sexual violence, human trafficking and gang involvement. The thirteen-part video series will act as an online toolkit that can be added to one’s traditional bundle of safety through increasing practical knowledge and in-depth overviews of these issues, as well as teachings of how to build inner strength and move towards healing.

Violence against Indigenous women and girls contributes to the normalization of violence and teaches young women to accept this as part of their lives. Indigenous women and girls targeted by human traffickers “comprise a disproportionate number of those sexually exploited in Canada through human trafficking” (Journey to Safe SPACES Report). This needs to end.

Let’s all take the time to learn more about human trafficking and what it looks like in our communities. Watch for the first video of the ‘Fostering Community Safety: Digital Bundle Series’ coming soon at

For more information:

Andre Morriseau, Communications Manager

Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)


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