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#GetReal for Mental Health Week

Updated: Jun 30, 2020

Don’t just #GETLOUD, #GETREAL!

Help ONWA raise awareness for #MentalHealth by wearing the designated colour each day!

The theme of this year’s #MentalHealthWeek is social connection. Despite the circumstances each one of us is facing during this pandemic, “we are together, even when we are apart.” - Canadian Mental Health Association

Tag the Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) in a photo wearing the colour of the day and help spread love, support and encouragement as we raise awareness for Mental Health.

TIP: If you do not own clothing in each colour, please feel free to use props or items in that colour.

May 4 is #MentalHealthMonday join us in wearing BLACK

May 5 is #TakeCareTuesday join us in wearing RED

May 6 is #WellnessWednesday join us in wearing WHITE

May 7 is #ThankfulThursday join us in wearing YELLOW

May 8 is #FunFriday join us in wearing BLUE

May 9 is #SacredSaturday join us in wearing GREEN

May 10 is #SpiritSunday join us in wearing PURPLE

Follow event on our Facebook event page!


Monday, May 4, 2020

Join us in wearing BLACK as we unit together in our fight against COVID-19 and refuse to allow the negative mental and emotional impacts of this pandemic to overwhelm us and affect our mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Post a selfie with: “I’m joining [@ONWA7 Facebook / @onwa_official Instagram / @_ONWA_ Twitter] in wearing BLACK for #MentalHealthMonday to #GetReal about how I am feeling in support of #MentalHealthWeek

TIP: Practice Mindfulness & Positive Self-Talk

How we cope depends a lot on our attitudes and frame of mind. Practicing mindfulness and embracing the positive things around us helps to feed our spirits and maintain peace through life’s storms. Positive thoughts become empowering words and actions towards maintaining mental health and wellbeing.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Join us in wearing RED in honour of the Sacred Teaching of love.

We celebrate and honour you; for all you do every day to keep yourself, your family and your community safe during these times. Today, love yourself and do something special just for you.

Chi-Miigwech to you for all you do!

Post a selfie with: “I’m joining [@ONWA7 Facebook / @onwa_official Instagram / @_ONWA_ Twitter] in wearing RED for #MentalHealthMonday to #GetReal about how I am feeling in support of #MentalHealthWeek

TIP: Prioritize You

Spend your time wisely. Focus on things that will enhance your well-being and not take away from it. Especially during these times of self-isolation or if you live alone.

Surround yourself with things that will add value to your life, that bring you peace and that make you smile.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Join us in wearing WHITE as we reset our balance.

The Medicine Wheel teaches us that our well-being is best when the four dimensions of self - body, mind, heart, and spirit - are in balance.

This time of COVID-19 and isolation has made keeping that balance especially difficult. Today, let’s some time to physically stay active, mentally get some rest, emotionally heal and spiritually connect.

Post a selfie with: “I’m joining [@ONWA7 Facebook / @onwa_official Instagram / @_ONWA_ Twitter] in wearing WHITE for #WellnessWednesday to #GetReal about my wellness and the wellness of others in support of #MentalHealthWeek

TIP: Practice Gratitude

During these unprecedented times learning to cope effectively - while keeping a healthy balance among work, family, leisure and physical activities - is extremely challenging. 

In order to maintain a state of positive mental health, each day find at least three things you are grateful for.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Join us in wearing YELLOW in thankfulness for everything that we have.

We offer tobacco with prayers thankfulness and protection for everyone working in essential services and serving in the front-lines during this pandemic.

We say a special Chi-Miigwich who are assisting those living with mental health and addictions during this time of crisis.

Post a selfie with: “I’m joining [@ONWA7 Facebook / @onwa_official Instagram / @_ONWA_ Twitter] in wearing YELLOW for #ThankfulThursday to #GetReal about giving thanks for all things in support of #MentalHealthWeek

TIP: Accept Kindness

As individuals we often have trouble accepting kindness from others. We will shrug off a compliment with a “Yes, but…” and put ourselves down mentally instead of accepting the beautiful compliment. 

It is important to give compliments and to receive them.

Be kind to yourself.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Join us in wearing BLUE as we challenge ourselves to make someone laugh today.

Despite our current circumstances and being confined to our homes, let’s be blue with laughter today, and remember to have some FUN!!! 

It is said that laughter is the best medicine. Laughter is good for your mental and physical health. It relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, and helps you connect with others.

Post a selfie with: “I’m joining [@ONWA7 Facebook / @onwa_official Instagram / @_ONWA_ Twitter] in wearing BLUE for #FunFriday to #GetReal about having some fun in support of #MentalHealthWeek

TIP: Laughter is good for you

Laughing 100 times has the same effect on the body as being on a rowing machine for 10 minutes or a stationary bike for 15 minutes. 

Laughter also increase energy levels and decreases tension, which is especially important in this time of high stress.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Join us in wearing GREEN as we take action to become a healthier people by honouring the sacredness of life. 

Let’s support one another in our health and the health of our loved ones. Let’s fight against the stigma of mental health by respecting ourselves and each other no matter our race, our illnesses, our addictions, our disabilities, or our circumstances.

All life is sacred.

Post a selfie with: “I’m joining [@ONWA7 Facebook / @onwa_official Instagram / @_ONWA_ Twitter] in wearing GREEN for #SacredSaturday to #GetReal about the sacredness of life and the lives of others in support of #MentalHealthWeek

TIP: Life is Sacred. Mother Earth is Sacred. You are Sacred.

Connect with the sacredness of life by going out on the land and offering some tobacco. Say a prayer of thankfulness for all the things you are grateful for in your life as we face the crisis of COVID-19 together.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Join us in wearing PURPLE in celebration of our spirits.

Take this time of isolation to self-reflect and connect with your inner spirit. Learn to balance what you are able to change - about yourself, your current  circumstances or your situation - with what you are not able to change. Get to know and trust your inner spirit.

Let’s not allow COVID-19 to crush our spirits! Let’s stand strong in spirit together!

Post a selfie with: “I’m joining [@ONWA7 Facebook / @onwa_official Instagram / @_ONWA_ Twitter] in wearing PURPLE for #SpiritSunday to #GetReal about strengthening my spirit and the spirit of others in support of #MentalHealthWeek

TIP: Nurture Your Inner Spirit

Take time to do something that will feed your spirit, something that brings you joy.

Make a meaningful connection, whether it be through relationship, land or spiritual. As you connect to yourself, other relations, or creation, your spirit will thank you and smile.

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