ONWA shares the teaching of Preparing and Feasting Your Spiritual Bundles with Al Hunter, Elder and Traditional Healer. The video describe what items you will need and how to prepare to conduct your very own Feast at home. This can be done in any season; spring or fall.
Items you you will need:
Food - ammount depending on how many are feasting
Cup for water
Three (3) offering dishes - for the land, the water, and the fire
Cloth for offerings
Smudging - sage or sweetgrass
Sacred items - example: feathers, drums, regalia

Preparing and Feasting Your Spiritual Bundles
Medicine Pouch

It is said that Cedar has protection powers, that a guardian spirit lives amongst it and will chase away bad spirits. It is used to purify the home and has many restorative properties.

Sweetgrass has a calming effect and is used for smudging and to purify the spirit. It is considered the sacred hair of Mother Earth, its braid and sweet aroma remind people of the gentleness, love, and kindness she has for the people.

Sage is used in ceremonies, in traditional healing, and to cleanse homes, sacred items and individuals. It can help release what is troubling the mind & remove negative energy.

The gift of Tobacco is communication. It is used as an offering for everything and in every ceremony; for seeking help and advise, for expressing gratitude, and for harvesting medicines. During challenging times, we can offer tobacco to Creator and ask for help and advise; or to thank him for the good things we have in our lives.
Tea Recipes
About Tea
Medicinal plants have always held a meaningful significance in the lives of the Anishnawbe people. Numerous varieties of herb plants are harvested for their healing properties and used in teas for the alleviation and cure of various ailments.
Traditional tea recipes have been passed down from generation to generation for the wealth of healing and knowledge that they provide. Let us always be thankful for the sacred gifts from the Creator and the bounty mother earth provides.
Medical Disclaimer: The information provided is not intended to replace the advice of a physician. It is merely a guide with recommendations for personal use. You should always follow the advice of a licensed practitioner.