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ONWA Supports Mental Health Week with Virtual Programming


Updated: May 26, 2021

Thunder Bay, ON – The Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) is hosting a series of daily virtual gatherings on ZOOM and Facebook live, in support of the 70th annual Canadian Mental Health Association Mental Health Week (May 3rd to May 9th, 2021).

“One year into the pandemic, about one in five Canadians are reporting high levels of mental distress” reported the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). ONWA acknowledges how mental health continues to impact the lives of Indigenous women. When they are healthy, their families and communities are healthy.

In support of good mental health, throughout Mental Health Week ONWA is providing virtual programming everyday from 2:00-3:00 PM EST:

  • Monday May 3: Welcoming and Sharing Circle “Getting to Know Each Other” (Opening Prayer by Al Hunter, Elder/Traditional Healer)

  • Tuesday May 4: Grandfather Teachings - Love and the Importance of the Eagle Feather with Al Hunter, Elder/Traditional Healer

  • Wednesday May 5: Virtual Mushkiki (Medicine Walk) with Audrey DeRoy, ONWA Land Based Coordinator

  • Thursday May 6: COVID-19 Experience Montage - Perspective, video montage (isolation, schooling, single parenting, elders) with Niemi Hines, ONWA Mental Health Worker

  • Friday May 7: Feeding Our Spirits – Indigenous Traditional Food and Open Fire Cooking with Audrey DeRoy, ONWA Land Based Coordinator

  • Saturday May 8: Enhancing our Mental Health Bundle - Teachings and Sharing Circle, with Niemi Hines, ONWA Mental Health Worker

  • Sunday May 9: Honouring the Heartbeat of the Drum and the Good Life “Mino Bimaadiziwin” - Drum Circle featuring Todd Genno (Closing Prayer by Al Hunter, Elder/Traditional Healer)

If you are interested in participating, register now at or visit ONWA’s Facebook to view the livestream.

For more information:

Andre Morriseau, Communications Manager,

Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)


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