Thunder Bay, ON – Each year, the Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) hosts Poetry Nights across Ontario to raise awareness of violence against women in support of the United Nations International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women’s #orangetheworld campaign. This year marks ONWA’s 5th annual Poetry Night, which will be held virtually through Zoom at 7:00-9:00pm EST on November 25, 2020.
Poets, storytellers, writers and spoken word artists are invited to help raise awareness of violence against Indigenous women and girls by participating in this virtual event. This year, ONWA is honoured to be featuring poets Al Hunter, Dr. Duke Redbird, and Trivena Andy. Province wide submissions are considered for ONWA’s annual publication Strong Hands Stop Violence Poetry Book, which highlights poetry written by Indigenous women.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic Poetry Night will share a different format this year. Rather than having multiple events across the province, we will gather online for one provincial event. We will continue to feature readings from both emerging and established poets, and live musical performances. The collective art project will take the form of a “Strong Hands Stop Violence” Art Kit which will be mailed to those who register.
Poetry Night provides an opportunity to create a space where Indigenous women and families can gather and celebrate their shared strength and resiliency. Art as healing trauma is a strong foundation of the work ONWA does, addressing violence from perspectives rooted in cultural teachings. ONWA is committed to supporting communities and providing hope to those on their healing journey.
Learn more, register to attend, or submit poetry at:
For more information:
Andre Morriseau, Communications Manager
Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)